
7 posts

The Lonely Journey of FI

My journey to Financial Independence(FI) all began with Dave Ramsey. (He certainly seems to be a segue for many people into the personal finance realm). It’s funny because I can’t even recall how I stumbled upon his show. I wasn’t looking for financial advice at the time. It may have […]

What Does It Mean to Live A Rich Life?

A little over three and a half years ago my grandma passed away. Without a doubt, she was the strongest and most wise woman I’ve ever known. Throughout her life she was always very dedicated to her family. Within the last several years before passing away, I would always hear […]

What You Should Know Before Starting College

It’s been exactly 20 years since I was walking across that stage to accept a piece of paper that would be the dividing line between not having a care in the world and having to get my shit together quick. I remember it being an exciting time, but back then […]

Financial Spring Cleaning

Spring time is here! Well, it’s officially here, but depending on where you live you still may be trying to shake off that left over winter weather. Spring is arguably one of the best times of the year. It brings a sense of renewal in many aspects of life and […]

Emergency Funds: Weathering the Storm

  This post may contains affiliate links. Please read my Disclaimer Page. Have you ever heard the phrase “Hope for the best, prepare for the worst?” When it comes to your finances, preparing for the worst can mean the difference between maintaining financially stability or sinking heavily into years and years of debt. So, […]

So You Want To Be Financially Independent?

This post contains affiliate links. Please read my Disclaimer Page. Until recently, I didn’t even know Financial Independence was something that can be achieved far earlier than your golden years. Heck, I didn’t even know what Financial Independence really was. I always knew saving and investing for retirement was important, but always […]